Defying Long Shot Odds

Persevere along an uphill climb, on a slow downhill descent, through vast valleys, through dry, hot, windy deserts, the splashy ocean surf and grassy meadows. Defy long shot odds when dreaming! Dream big! This mantra has worked for me. It all began with horses. Horses first galloped into my life when I watched western movies with my Dad. Mom noticed my eyes sparkle when I talked about horses.

Why Plenty? Fifty Shades & A Mother’s Request

Two events led to the creation of Plenty, my second Suspense novel.  First – the success of Fifty Shades of Grey. Feminist fury lit the fire. As Rich Lowry of the New York Post wrote: “…“Fifty Shades” is a version of the age-old Boy Meets Girl story, except the Boy is a dangerous creep…” I had to call out this trilogy for what it represents: sugarcoated sadism. A young virgin for a rich sadist love story with a Happily Ever Ending. Yuck! Really?