Kelly's Blog

News and Thoughts From Kelly K. Lavender

Beautiful Evil Winter – 5 * Review – Beautiful Story

Heart-racing agony in Russia? Yes.

Can a novel about an American couple’s quest to adopt a Russian baby be called a Multi-Award-Winning Suspense Thriller? Yes.
Armed only with a homespun plan, a desperate American couple travels to corrupt crime-infested Russia to adopt a baby boy. What can wrong? Honestly, what won’t go wrong?

Preventing Car Crashes by Driving Safely – A Perspective

Driving is the most dangerous thing that people do everyday. Safe driving can be the easiest smartest decision made on a daily basis. It can prevent tragedy. George Carlin said, “Have you ever noticed anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a manic?” Egocentric driving puts lives at risk.

Extreme Weather Horse Care Successes

Winters can be brutal in Texas. The 2021 blizzard claimed 250 lives and left 4 million people without power for days in subfreezing temperatures. The 2023 ice storm downed power lines – leaving 350,000 people without power. Both the blizzard and the ice storm have acid-tested my extreme horse care methods for keeping my old horses healthy and as comfortable as possible.

What do I do? Focus on hydration, feed, blanketing and escape from the elements. Of course, always consult your vet. My methods may not work for everyone. I’m not a veterinarian, but excellent veterinarians, in three states over the course of 40 years, have educated me about how to properly manage my beloved horses.

Defying Long Shot Odds

Persevere along an uphill climb, on a slow downhill descent, through vast valleys, through dry, hot, windy deserts, the splashy ocean surf and grassy meadows. Defy long shot odds when dreaming! Dream big! This mantra has worked for me. It all began with horses. Horses first galloped into my life when I watched western movies with my Dad. Mom noticed my eyes sparkle when I talked about horses.

Why Plenty? Fifty Shades & A Mother’s Request

Two events led to the creation of Plenty, my second Suspense novel.  First – the success of Fifty Shades of Grey. Feminist fury lit the fire. As Rich Lowry of the New York Post wrote: “…“Fifty Shades” is a version of the age-old Boy Meets Girl story, except the Boy is a dangerous creep…” I had to call out this trilogy for what it represents: sugarcoated sadism. A young virgin for a rich sadist love story with a Happily Ever Ending. Yuck! Really?

Plenty – Responding to the Critics Part 1

DLT – Dark Interesting Book

“I had to think about this one for a few days before writing this review. The blurb references Fifty Shades but that just doesn’t resonate for me. This is dark, very dark and more of a thriller than an erotic novel for me. The characters are not as fully fleshed as I would have liked and seemed almost one dimensionally good or evil. I did like that Camille showed good personal growth becoming the woman she is meant to be and that she helps clean up the town. I do want to go back and read the first in the series. Due to dark events that are possible triggers I recommend this only for the mature reader of darker novels.

Beautiful Evil Winter – One of Two Books that Celebrate Women

Writing books that celebrate, inspire and help women – a motivator. Writing books that entertain both men and women – a wonderful added bonus. So grateful that Beautiful Evil Winter and Plenty have showcased my efforts with award-winning results. I’ve advertised both with the phrase: Engineered for generations of women who rescue themselves and the proud grateful unburdened parents and partners who love them.