Why the Award-Winning Fifty Shades contrast?

Twenty-one year old has a heart attack? I recall the first time I heard about sadism—a news story on the radio. I stopped in my tracks and re-played the sentence in my brain. A twenty-one year old female suffered a heart attack and ended up in the emergency room after...

Plenty of Surprises

When I wrote my second award-winning novel – Plenty, I never guessed that I would move to three states during the course of thirteen months.  Somewhere along the road from a ranch in

Plenty – The Research and the Messages

  Some recent comments posted about my novel warrant a response. “…I also don’t believe any research was done into rape survivors and the blatant disregard for that aspect of this book when fashioning Camille and Jennifer is just disgusting…”  To set the...

Proud of Plenty

For fiction-loving feminists, for adult readers who enjoy suspense thrillers and for readers who enjoy fiction with merit and for the scores of women who didn’t enjoy Fifty, I suggest Plenty.  D. Donovan, Senior Book Reviewer for Midwest Book Reviews, had a lot to say...