In case you missed it, this article about finding joy may be helpful in these war-torn times. Here’s the link: You Can Feel Joy Even When the World Seems Bleak. 

In case you don’t want to read the long article, I’ve summarized some key points.

Psychologists say it’s important to find and/or plan happy moments especially in this horrible chapter in world history. Suggestions for weaving joy back into your day: taking a nature walk, doing something for someone else and setting aside time to do things that make you beam. “It doesn’t diminish someone else’s pain for us to feel happy or good about something,” says Lynn Bufka, a clinical psychologist. An added bonus to finding happy – it can give us the perspective and energy to help others.

Even better, according to scientific studies, the positive effect has been linked to stronger immune function, longer life, lower stress and lower blood pressure. The positive effect sources from a wide range of emotions: calm, contentment, joy, excitement and enthusiasm.

“We have to practice feeling good to feel good in the future. It’s kind of like a muscle,” says Dr. Datillo, a clinical psychologist in Boston.

Nature walks and focus on being joyful! It’s time to work the body and mind!