Many are experiencing a roller coaster ride of emotions – lots of Ughs to a few Hoorays! I recommend elevating a day by:

First, find stories that are heartwarming and/or inspiring like a Dreams Still Come True story:

From 2.0 student and sanitation worker to Harvard Law School, Rehan Staton has faced many challenges – a mother who left the family, a father who worked three jobs to provide food, shelter & heat. Add on a 4 am wake-up call for work in both high school and college. Rehan has had to overcome unimaginable odds. When a college accepted him, his brother quit so that he could attend. Inspiring doesn’t’ begin to scratch the surface. 

Second, with just a click, enjoy poignant masterpieces housed in some of the most famous museums in the world –

Or visit a US zoo, national park or tour Hawaii  –

Finally, find funny. Comedy can whisk us away to a happier more hopeful place. Like standing outdoors on a blistering hot, windless, summer 100-degree day vs. being cooled by a tropical salty ocean breeze. My recommendations for adult audiences:

Jerry Seinfeld 

Carrot Top 

Everybody Loves Raymond 

Iliza Shlesinger 

Gabriel Iglesias 

Mike E. Winfield

Be mindful, integrate happy into a day and be safe!

#Joy #Art #DreamsComeTrue #Laughter #Comedy #Comics #Happiness #TheLouvre #VanGoghMuseum #MetropolitanMuseumofArt #RijksMuseum #Museed’Orsay #Comedians