Beautiful Evil Winter

The First Award-Winning Thriller Novel by Kelly K. Lavender $4.99

Author Earned Awards

Damonza‘s design for Beautiful Evil Winter was winner of the da Vinci Eye Award presented by Eric Hoffer Awards. The award is presented to books with superior cover artwork and is judged on both content and style.

For fans of heart-racing Misery? Yes, with a Russian twist.

“Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life.” ~ Sophocles 

An American couple, Ethan and Sophia, travel to crime-infested Russia to adopt a baby boy. What can go wrong? What won’t go wrong?

Before leaving for the Siberian child house and despite warnings, they make an awful decision to leave their Moscow apartment to go to a bar – a bar frequented by savage gangsters. They become high profile targets in a hell-raising crime spree. Even though they break free, a humiliated, violent, sadistic killer vows revenge. They eventually have to separate to survive.

Crippled by her circumstances – no language skills, no cell phone, no landline, no nearby family, no gun and a baby to protect, Sophia knows she’s trapped for now. She must stay locked in the Moscow apartment to keep her infant safe.

She discovers someone, hired to help her, has lied to her and is likely to betray her. As her world becomes smaller and smaller and more dangerous, she must quickly find a way out.

And the enraged thug? He tracks her to the Moscow apartment. Day after day, he stalks and plots for the perfect moment to strike.

How can she and her baby escape the sadist she met in the bar? Can embattled Ethan reunite with his family and return to the US?

Beautiful Evil Winter Received 7 Awards, Including 5 International Honors!

Drive Safely Learn and Live!

Driving is the most dangerous thing that people do everyday. Safe driving can be the most prudent choice made everyday. George Carlin said, “Have you ever noticed anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a manic?” Egocentric driving puts lives at risk. Learn and live.

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Extreme Weather Horse Care Successes

Winters can be brutal in Texas. The 2021 blizzard claimed 250 lives and left 4 million people without power for days in subfreezing temperatures. The 2023 ice storm downed power lines – leaving 350,000 people without power. Both the blizzard and the ice storm have acid-tested my extreme horse care methods for keeping my old horses healthy and as comfortable as possible.

What do I do? Focus on hydration, feed, blanketing and escape from the elements. Of course, always consult your vet. My methods may not work for everyone. I’m not a veterinarian, but excellent veterinarians, in three states over the course of 40 years, have educated me about how to properly manage my beloved horses.

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